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Important/useful contacts

OBSID -  0214487090

OBSID Public Safety(OPS) Control Room - 0214471066

OPS SMS - 0720631653

Woodstock Police Station -  0214423121 

SAPS Patrol Van -  0823025525

SAPS DLO Sgt. Prins (Noise/Clubs/Pubs) - 0824693158

Woodstock SAPS Alternate - 0214423117

SAPS Obs Manager - 0823025436

SAPS Duty Officer - 0824113092

Station Commander - 0214423101

Detective Commander - 0214862840

Anonymous SMS Tip Off - 32211

Cape Town Metro Police - 0860765423

Traffic Department - 0214068700

Premier Armed Response - 0217019955

ADT Armed Response - 0861212300

Chubb Armed Response - 0861444911

Emergency 24 HR:  Life/Property endangered by Fire/Accident/Natural Disater - 0214807700 or 107 (From Land line) - 0214807700  or 112 (From Mobile)

Ambulance - 10177

Groote Schuur Hospital - 0214049111

Red Cross Hospital 0216585111

Poison (Tygerberg Hospital) - 0219316129

Vincent Pallotti Hospital - 0215064000

Dr. Roberts - 0214483710

Dial-a-Ride for the Disabled - 0800600895

Rescue Services - 107

Mountain - 0219489900

Sea  -0214493500

Aviation - 0219371211

City of Cape Town: Phone  - 0860103089

City of Cape Town: SMS - 31373

Cape Gateway - 0860142142

Cleaning / Refuse / Dumping - 0860103089

Electricity / Power Faults (24 hrs) - 0860103089

Water / Roads / Storm Water (24 hrs) - 0860103054

Street Lighting - 0860125008

Homelessness - 107

Public Transport General Info - 0800656463

Displaced Persons Unit (DPU) - 0800872201

OBSID Social Development Manager -0724904097

Life Line - 0861322322

Child Line - 0800055555

Fraud Line - 0860124000

CT Drug Counselling - 0214478026

Alcoholics Anonymous - 0214180908

Narcotics Anonymous - 0214611111

Rape Crisis (Trill Rd, Obs) - 0214471467

Loaves and Fishes - 0214485900

Table Mountain National Park - 0217122337

Table Mountain National Park Emergencies - 0861106417

Weather Bureau - 0822339900

Directory Enquiries - 1023

Obs Community Centre - 0214473690

Obs Library - 0214479017

SA Astronomical Observatory - 0214470025

Recycle 1st - 0833546914

OBSID: Obsevatory Improvement District -

ONW: Observatory Neighbourhood Watch -

OCA: Observatory Civic Association -

TRUP: Two Rivers Urban Park  -

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