Locals start water action group
The Cape Town Water Action group was recently launched by a group of residents in response to the water crisis.
Rol Hunter, one of the action group members, said the main goal of the group is to prompt and coordinate a reduction in water consumption, to improve community preparedness for "Day Zero" scenarios, to communicate and advocate on behalf of affected water user groups.
Rol said the initiative was intended to be citizen driven to prompt "radical, organised" public action to avoid the worst impacts of the water shortages.
The group will begin their work in Observatory as a pilot and aim to develop a simple working model, which will be expanded to include other neighbourhoods.
The three main priorities of the Water Action group are helping the community to reduce water usage, develop local responses for "Day Zero", and act as a unified voice for advocacy, communication and awareness.
Get in touch with Water Action to find out how you can get involved.
Follow on Facebook.com/wateractionct and Twitter.com/wateractionct or mail wateraction021@gmail.com