OBSID - Job program growing
Demand for the OBSID job shadowing internship program has grown beyond available funds.
OBSID as part of its Responsible Giving social development program launched a job shadowing internship program in March 2016 to assist homeless and unemployed people improve their circumstances which to date has proven to be very successful.
A partnership is growing between OBSID, Loaves & Fishes, Cape Town Drug Counselling Centre and a new Non-Profit Organisation called Breaking Bread Development Programme.
The program provides a job shadowing program with supervision and continuous assessment of candidates involved in cleaning streets, graffiti removal, public safety and City maintenance audits and follow-up on work completed, together with accommodation, food and family support.
OBSID would like to challenge and encourage individuals, businesses, faith based organisations, street collectives or a combination of the above to sponsor additional jobs shadowing internship opportunities.
It costs R 2 000 per person per month to complete the program.
The OBSID is looking for sponsors for a seven month period.
During this time occupants gain market related skills to secure gainful employment while adding value to Observatory residents via numerous responsibilities.
We are delighted to welcome our first sponsor Werner Steyn of Werner Property Agents who will be sponsoring two job shadowing positions on a monthly basis.
We are in discussions with another enterprise owner willing to sponsor an additional position.
Sponsors benefit from public relations via branded bibs (provided by the sponsor).
While making a meaningful contribution towards the cleanliness and safety of Observatory,which all residents benefit from, sponsors simultaneously improve the circumstances of a person or people in need of a hand up rather than a hand out.
Contact OBSID Social Development Manager Kenneth Roman should you require any information or wish to sponsor a candidate. Email: socialissues@obsid.org.za