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Obs - our blank canvas

AfrikaBurn nestles so comfortably in Obs.


The short answer is history, the longer one swirls around, the taproot of burns draw more life blood from a solid dose of bohemianism, part anarchy, some renegade, dare we say hippie, deep art culture soil.

Obs is that. A burb that back in the dark days was more integrated than most (except maybe for our sister Woodstock).

Its Victorian bones,with smatterings of deco and a good dose of derelict warehouses and workspace, is the catnip that can make something like AfrikaBurn go from an idea into hard beautiful reality.

When we started AfrikaBurn, we found a home here, mostly at Ganesh, Armchair and the Bijou.

Its textured engaging, it rubs up against you always, a flavoured swaggering renegade that cares deeply.

It’s a friendship, it’s a partnership, we love Obs.

It’s our blank canvas.

We chose Obs, but Obs also chose us.

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