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OBSID - COO looks back on the past year

Hudson McComb

Over the past year Obsid portfolio managers have been hard at work building on all the effort invested by the founders of the Observatory Improvement District.

We have been reassessing how we do and what we do, streamlining systems and improving collaboration between the managers of our core functions and external stakeholder partners, such as Observatory Civic Association (OCA) Observatory Neighbourhood Watch (ONW) Metro Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) and SAPS resulting in a more focused approach, teamwork and improving value for money for taxpayers in Observatory.


There is no doubt it has been challenging, as well as an exciting year, especially as the current 2016 / 2017 financial year will be the last year of the current five-year business plan and budget cycle. The next five-year business plan and budget from July 2017 to June 2022 was approved at our recent AGM.

This provides us with an opportunity to expand our presence and reach within the Obs community, which requires the financial means together with more effective partnerships to achieve a desired outcome.

Smarter, cleaner, safer

The emphasis on our smarter cleaner safer slogan contributed towards strengthened management structures and has produced more accurate crime statistics. This determines what a public safety service providers resource requirements should be.

It has reduced unnecessary operating expenses and resulted in more optimum productivity within our management and staff complement.

The board, committee members, the community and local organisations such as Obs Civic Association, Obs Neighbourhood Watch, the Community Police Forum representatives continue to provide their invaluable input.

We are confident solutions to social, public safety and urban renewal will improve life in the Obs village for the benefit of inhabitants, be they homeowners, businesses, residence, local or international student visitors.


Securitas, our former security service company provided a valuable service over the past four and a half years, But based on our crime statistics, it was decided a new service provider be appointed with an emphasis on resource mobilisation, and a higher staff competency and the introduction of foot patrollers on Segway’s together with improved communication. This was the key deciding factors when approving the new security service provider starting 1st February 2016.

Our Metro Law Enforcement Officers together with their management have instilled an exemplary service and we are very appreciative of the amazing team work, collaboration and partnership approach adopted by them.

We thank those staff, members and management within the Securitas team who went beyond the call of duty and look forward to improving on Public Safety by reducing crime with the newly appointed security company and Obsid board.


A partnership with the UCT Knowledge Coop and Magistra, an organisation involved in placing international interns has produced some meaningful research focused on understanding demographics and geographical challenges in Obs.

We look forward to growing this collaboration that can assist us finding sustainable solutions.

Social Development

Our Social Development Job shadowing internship program for homeless and or unemployed people is producing results and we are excited by the opportunities this initiative presents us in adding value to the urban renewal cleaning and public safety teams.

We are in the process of initiating a partnership that will provide a one stop restoration centre for homeless people.

This provides a range of services including counselling, skills development, occupational therapy, job creation and rehabilitation trusting our efforts will becomes a reality by the end of the year.

ObsLife newspaper

Obslife is an invaluable platform to communicate Obsid and our partner organisations aspirations, challenges, solutions collaborative efforts and progress was discontinued in March 2016. However, a small collective dedicated to reviving continued publications has stepped forward to mobilise support for it. Aiming to once again become a regular feature in Obs. Anyone with project management, coordination journalistic and photographic skills are welcome to contact the Obsid office to assist in this endeavour.

Obs History

A project involving documenting Obs living history is in the process of being transferred onto DVD. We foresee existing residents and newcomers to Obs enjoying the heritage and cultural narrative portrayed in this documentary.

New Technology

A new pilot project initiative, which involves testing new technology in License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras has been launched with already significant results. Based on its success more LPR cameras will be rolled out at key points throughout the suburb. We foresee the integration of these with private street cameras initiatives before the end of 2017.

Local organisations

Together with the OCA, our core focus in the coming year will be to mobilise more proactive citizen involvement amongst Obs residents and key stakeholder organisations, businesses and non-profit organisation in order to ensure a safer and cleaner environment for the benefit of resident’s homeowners and visitors.

Most notable throughout the past year has been the almost tangible underlying goodwill. The sense of shared ownership, and a strong desire and enthusiasm by residence involved in various civic organisations has been vital in addressing challenges and find lasting solutions.

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