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Dutch intern analyses Obs crime trends

Dutch intern Hendrick Suppers shows a cool leather wallet which he bought from a homeless man.

A research paper on the causes of crime in Observatory and a public space map will soon be released by Dutch intern, Hendrick Suppers, who has been assisting the Observatory Improvement District (Obsid).

Hendrick, a 23 year-old self funded intern from Holland will release his findings in Dutch this month after 18th January.

He is looking for a volunteer to translate his report as it could be very useful to the Obsid in understanding crime in the area.

"If there is a volunteer willing to translate my report you would be most welcome! My English is not the very best," he said.

In a related report by UCT researcher Anine Kriegler, Obs resident and researcher at the Centre of Criminology, UCT, has found that intensity of crime increases in direct proportion to the number of liquor outlets.

Obs has the highest number of liquor outlets (over 50) in Cape Town. See her report on page 6 .

On arrival in OBS, Hendrick was impressed by the lovely little park opposite the Obsid offices.

He said the park alone is a real success story proving that quality public space can provide a peaceful and safe place for the community.

Hendrick has now commissioned a homeless man, who makes leather wallets, to produce a lot more as gifts for his friends in Holland.

"These wallets are really well made and very convenient.They will be popular in Holland," he said.

Hendrick said that if every resident took an interest in just one homeless or unemployed person, these problem could be radically reduced.

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